Seahorses differ in color, some are orange, red, yellow, green and even grey. Seahorses are unable to curl their tail backwards. Seahorses change color to blend with the environment. Seahorses make up the genus Hippocampus fish in the Syngnathidae family. "Seahorse" comes from ancient Greek hippos meaning "horse" and campos which means "sea monster." They have long snouts, which used to suck up food, and eyes that can move independently of one another, like a chameleon. Seahorses eat small shrimp, small fish, crustaceans and plankton.The female lays eggs in the male's pouch, and then leaves. Out of the entire animal kingdom, these are the only animals in which the male has the babies. The Seahorse populations are thought to have been threatened in recent years by overfishing and habitat destruction. The seahorse is used in traditional Chinese herbology, and up to 20 million seahorses every year can be captured and sold for this purpose.
Silkworm Facts- Amazing Facts
The culture of silkworms is called sericulture. A moist substance, fibroin, is manufactured in two silk glands located on the underside of the larva's body; mixed with a small amount of wax, it is emitted from an orifice called the spinneret, in the lip of the larva. The fibroin dries quickly in the air, hardening into a half-mile-long thread of silk that makes up the cocoon.Four to eight of the silk filaments are twisted together to obtain one strand of silk thread. No wonder silk is so expensive.Sleeping on a silk pillowcase is said to cause a delay in a person getting wrinkles because of the essential amino acids in silk bedding. Silkworm is the brainiest creature in the world ? It has 11 brains!!
Geeta Singh
amazing fact silkworm,
amazing facts silkworm,
Silkworm amazing Facts,
Silkworm Facts
Koala Facts -Amazing Facts
Although the koala is not a bear, English-speaking settlers from the late 18 first called koala bear because of their resemblance to bears ,as it is a marsupial, or pouched mammal.
A baby koala is called a joey, hairless, blind and without ears.
At birth, breeding, only a quarter of an inch long.The koala is found in coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia, from Adelaide to the southern part of Cape York Peninsula.
The koala lives almost exclusively on eucalyptus leaves.
Koala fingerprints are similar to human fingerprints, even with an electron microscope, can be very difficult to distinguish between the two.
Especially the digestive system a long gut-allows koalas to break hard eucalyptus leaves and remain unharmed by the poison. Koalas eat many of these leaves that make a distinctive smell of its oil, reminiscent of cough drops.During the day dozing, tucked into corners or forks in trees, to rest up to 18 hours.They do not drink water unless they are sick or if they find the leaves of the tree to be dry, only then they make an exception and drink some water.
Geeta Singh
about koala,
Amazing Facts koala,
interesting facts Koala,
koala fact,
Koala Facts,
koalas facts
Reindeer facts - Amazing Facts
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Santa Claus's sleigh is pulled by flying reindeer.
The reindeer "Rangifer tarandus", also known as caribou in North America. Reindeer are native to Northern climates - North America and Northern Europe, Arctic tundra, forests, and mountains in Russia, Northern China, Canada, Alaska, and Scandinavia. Some reindeer migrate in huge herds from the coastal Arctic to the tundra.
The cold climate, common habitat is the tundra (A treeless area between the icecap and the tree line of Arctic regions, having a permanently frozen subsoil and supporting low-growing vegetation such as lichens, mosses, and stunted shrubs)
The reindeer is an herbivore (a plant-eater) who spends most of the day eating. During the winter, reindeer eat lichens and moss; in warmer months, they also eat leaves and herbs.
One more interesting reindeer facts is that a reindeer that is one year old makes a clicking sound while walking, which helps it to track others in case they go astray, or if there is a snow blizzard.
Most of the reindeer that are seen today are domesticated. Reindeer help to provide us with butter, meat, milk and cheese. In fact, reindeer milk is rich in both proteins and fat.
Reindeer can run up to forty miles per hour. In fact, a just born reindeer can easily outrun a full grown athletic man. The blood of the caribou supposedly mixed with alcohol as a beverage by hunters and loggers in the colonial Quebec to counter the cold. This beverage is now enjoyed without the blood as a wine and whiskey drink known as Caribou.
The reindeer is said to be an endangered species as their numbers have dwindled off late, due to hunting and loss of habitat.
Geeta Singh
amazing facts reindeers,
Reindeer amazing facts,
reindeer facts,
reindeer interesting facts
PUDU Facts - Amazing Facts
amazing facts about pudu
They are classified in the New World deer subfamily Capreolinae within the deer family Cervidae. The Mapudungun pudu or pudu are two species of South American deer from the genus Pudu, the world's smallest deer.The pudus are the world's smallest deer, with the Southern Pudu being slightly larger than the Northern Pudu. The pudu is a solitary animal whose behavior in the wild is largely unknown because of its secretive nature.
They bend bamboo shoots horizontally in order to walk on them and eat from higher branches.
The pudus are herbivorous, consuming leaves from low trees, shrubs, succulent sprouts, herbs, ferns, buds, tree bark , fruits.
When the pudu feels threatened, it flees usually in a zig-zag pattern and sometimes climb the trees .They can survive without drinking water for long periods due to the high water content of the succulent foliage in their diet.
The southern pudu is an endangered species. Their future in the wild remains uncertain. As their natural habitat is diminished due to overpopulation, clearing of land for agriculture, logging, hunting and other human development activities.
Geeta Singh
pudu amazing fact,
pudu amazing facts,
pudu facts
Shark Facts - Amazing Facts

Great whites are the largest predatory fish on Earth. Sharks are known as eating machines.Three species are responsible for most human attacks: great white (Carcharodon carcharias), tiger (Galeocerdo cuvier), and bull (Carcharhinus leucas) sharks.
The largest shark is the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), which can grow to 60 feet long. Great whites are the scariest sharks. These huge fish speed through the water at 30 km per hour. Unlike most fish , the great white shark is warm blooded. This allows its muscles to work well but it also means that it needs to eat lots of meat. They attack and eat almost anything , but love to feed on seals. Sharks do not sleep. Instead, they experience alternating periods of activity and rest.A pup (baby shark) is born ready to take care of itself. The mother shark leaves the pup to fed for itself.
These have hammer -shaped heads to search for food . with an eye on each end of the 'hammer' , they swing their heads from side to side , looking for a meal.
Geeta Singh
amazing fact shark,
amazing facts sharks,
great white shark amazing,
great white shark facts,
shark facts,
Sharks facts
Dolphins Facts - Amazing Facts
The most popular dolphin is the 'bottle-nose dolphin.' Dolphins have a thick layer of fat under their skin, this layer of fat is called blubber. The dolphins do not have fur, they need the fat to keep warm. Bottle-nose dolphins are the ones we've seen on TV shows, movies and shows.
Dolphins can swim 5 to 12 kilometers per hour.
Dolphins can make a unique signature whistle that may help individual dolphins recognize each other, collaborate, and lead to several other types of communication. Bottle-nose dolphins eat several kinds of fish like mullet, mackerel, herring, cod and squid. The maximum age for bottle-nose dolphins is between 40 and 50 yrs. There families are usually led by a female dolphin. The dolphins in a family help each other, like when they are raising their young.
Dolphins can swim 5 to 12 kilometers per hour.
Dolphins can make a unique signature whistle that may help individual dolphins recognize each other, collaborate, and lead to several other types of communication. Bottle-nose dolphins eat several kinds of fish like mullet, mackerel, herring, cod and squid. The maximum age for bottle-nose dolphins is between 40 and 50 yrs. There families are usually led by a female dolphin. The dolphins in a family help each other, like when they are raising their young.
Geeta Singh
amazing fact,
amazing fact dolphin,
amazing facts dolphins,
Dolphins Facts
Tortoise Facts - Amazing facts
The shell of a turtle is made up of 60 different bones all connected together.

Do You Know - to have their babies. Every two or three years, sea turtles may swim 1000 kilometres to the beaches where they can hatched to lay their eggs. Sea turtles have flat shells so they can swim easily under water.
Have you heard about tortoises in desert?
The desert tortoise is a shy reptile that lives in the sandy deserts of North america. It spends most of its time underground in the cool sand to escape the heat of the sun. Adult desert tortoise can live for about a year without water.
Geeta Singh
amazing fact,
amazing facts tortoises,
amazing facts turtle,
giant tortoises facts,
tortoise facts,
turtle facts
Lizards Facts - Amazing Facts
The male anole lizard guards his home from other lizards in an unusual way.
If other males come too close, he puffs out a bright red throat pouch at them. Two males may face each other with puffy throats for hours at a time!
Do you know Lizards are frilly ?
The frilled lizards has a large flap around its neck. When faced with danger, it spreads this skin out to form a huge , stiff neck frill that makes it look bigger and scarier!
Some male agamid lizards try to impress females with a little body-building. they can be seen perched on top of rocks, doing push -ups and bobbing their heads up and down.
If other males come too close, he puffs out a bright red throat pouch at them. Two males may face each other with puffy throats for hours at a time!
Do you know Lizards are frilly ?
The frilled lizards has a large flap around its neck. When faced with danger, it spreads this skin out to form a huge , stiff neck frill that makes it look bigger and scarier!
Some male agamid lizards try to impress females with a little body-building. they can be seen perched on top of rocks, doing push -ups and bobbing their heads up and down.
Geeta Singh
amazing facts lizards,
lizard amazing facts,
Lizards Facts,
Lizards Facts amazing
1. en.wikipedia
2. Times of India
3. NCERT Books
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